Q. 71: What are the various types of objects identified by the comparison tool in QTP?
================================================1) Identical: Objects that appear in both object repository files. There is no difference in their name or in their properties.
2) Matching description, different name: Objects that appear in both object repository files that have different names, but the same description properties and values.
3) Similar description: Objects that appear in both object repository files that have similar, but not identical, description properties and values. One of the objects always has a subset of the properties set of the other object. This implies that it is likely to be a less detailed description of the same object. For example, an object named Button_1 in the second object repository has the same description properties and values as an object named Button_1 in the first object repository, but also has additional properties and values.
Objects that do not have a description, such as Page or Browser objects, are compared by name only. If the same object is contained in both the object repositories but with different names, they will be shown in the object repositories as two separate objects.
4) Unique to first file, or Unique to second file. Objects that appear in only one of the object repository files.
Q. 72: What are the situations best suited to Recording in QTP?
Recording can be useful in the following situations:
# Recording helps novice QuickTest users learn how QTP interprets the operations you perform on your application, and how it converts them to QTP objects and built-in operations.
# Recording can be useful for more advanced QTP users when working with a new application or major new features of an existing application (for the same reasons described above). Recording is also helpful while developing functions that incorporate built-in QTP keywords.
# Recording can be useful when you need to quickly create a test that tests the basic functionality of an application or feature, but does not require long-term maintenance.
Q. 73: What are the advantages of Keyword Driven testing in QTP?
===================================================1) Keyword-driven testing enables you to design your tests at a business level rather than at the object level.
2) By incorporating technical operations, such as a synchronization statement that waits for client-server communications to finish, into higher level keywords, tests are easier to read and easier for less technical application testers to maintain when the application changes.
3) Keyword-driven testing naturally leads to a more efficient separation between resource maintenance and test maintenance. This enables the automation experts to focus on maintaining objects and functions while application testers focus on maintaining the test structure and design.
4) When you record tests, you may not notice that new objects are being added to the local object repository. This may result in many testers maintaining local object repositories with copies of the same objects. When using a keyword-driven methodology, you select the objects for your steps from the existing object repository. When you need a new object, you can add it to your local object repository temporarily, but you are also aware that you need to add it to the shared object repository for future use.
Q. 74: What are Absolute and Relative Paths in QTP?
=========================================You can save QuickTest resources, such as shared object repositories, function libraries, recovery scenarios or environments, using absolute or relative paths.
1) An absolute path: Describes the full path to a specific file starting from a fixed location such as the root directory, or the drive on which the file is located, and contains all the other sub-directories in the path. An absolute path always points to the specified file, regardless of the current directory.
2) A relative path: Describes the path to a specific file starting from a given directory, and is generally only a portion of the absolute path. A relative path therefore specifies the location of the file relative to the given location in the file system.
Using relative paths means that the paths remain valid when files or folders containing files are moved or copied to other locations or computers, provided that they are moved within the same folder structure. For this reason, we recommend that you use relative paths when saving resources in QTP.
Q. 75: What are the situations best suited to keyword-driven methodology in QTP?
The keyword-driven methodology is especially useful for organizations that have both technical and less technical users because it offers a clear division of automation tasks. This enables a few experts to maintain the resource framework while less technical users design and maintain automated test steps. Additionally, once the basic infrastructure is in place, both types of users can often do their tasks simultaneously.
===============================================Q. 76: What are the various categories of output values in QTP?===============================================we can create following categories of output values:
1) Standard output values
2) Text and text area output values
3) Table output values
4) Database output values
5) XML output values
Q. 77: How do you analyze your application to determine your testing needs using QTP?.
=================================================1) Determine the development environments that QuickTest needs to support:Your application comprises of windows containing a hierarchy of objects that were created in one or more development environments. QTP provides support for these environments using add-ins. You load QTP add-ins when QTP opens by using the Add-in Manager dialog box. You can check which add-ins are loaded by choosing Help > About QuickTest Professional.
2) Prepare the information that QTP needs to identify objects in your application and to open your application at the beginning of a run session. You need to know the URL, the executable file name and path, or other command-line information. Later, you will enter this in Record and Run Settings dialog box.
3) Navigate through your application from a customer’s perspective and perform the tasks that customers might perform. You create an action for each sub-process, or task, a customer might perform. Each process you perform in your application will be represented as a test in QTP. You can create your tests now.
Q. 78: In what situations recording mechanism shall be useful in creating the tests in QTP?===================================================
1) You are new to QTP and want to learn how QTP interprets the operations you perform on your application and how it converts them to QTP objects and built-in operations.
2) You need to quickly create a test that tests the basic functionality of an application or feature, and the test does not require long-term maintenance.
3) You are working with a new application or with major new features of an existing application, and you want to learn how QTP interacts with the application.
4) You are developing functions that incorporate built-in QTP keywords.
Q. 79: What are the various recording modes in QTP?==========================================1) Normal or the default recording mode: This records the objects in your application and the operations performed on them. This mode takes full advantage of the QTP object model, recognizing the objects in your application regardless of their location on the screen.
2) Analog Recording: This enables you to record the exact mouse and keyboard operations you perform in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this recording mode, QTP records and tracks every movement of the mouse as you drag the mouse around a screen or window.
3) Low Level Recording:This enables you to record on any object in your application, whether or not QTP recognizes the specific object or the specific operation. This mode records at the object level and records all run-time objects as Window or WinObject test objects.
Q. 80: How can we switch to Low Level Recording mode while editing a test?===================================================You can switch to Low Level Recording mode only while recording a test. The option is not available while editing a test.
Keyword: QTP Interview Questions, FAQ QTP