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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

QTP - Interview Question Bank : Part 9

Q. 81: What is the use of Keyword View in QTP?=====================================

The Keyword View enables you to create and view the steps of your test in a modular, table format. Each step is a row in the Keyword View that is comprised of individual, modifiable parts. You create and modify steps by selecting items and operations in the Keyword View and entering information as required. Each step is automatically documented as youcomplete it, enabling you to view a description of your test in understandable sentences.

Q. 82: What are the Conditional and Loop Statements used in the Keyword View in QTP?

Using conditional statements, you can incorporate decision making into the tests. Using loop statements, you can run a group of steps repeatedly, either while or until a condition is true. You can also use loop statements to repeat a group of steps a specific number of times. A few conditional & Loop statements are given below:
1) If...Then statement
2) ElseIf...Then statement
3) Else statement
4) While...Wend statement
5) For...Next statement
6) Do...While statement
7) Do...Until statement

Q. 83: What is the use of a Comment in the Comment cell of a step in QTP?

A Comment is free text entry which can help improve readability and make a test easier to update. For example,you may want to add a comment step at the beginning of each action to specify what that section includes.

QTP does not process comments when it runs a test.

Q. 84: What are Nesting Actions & what is the use of them?============================================

Sometimes you may want to call an action from within an action. This is called nesting. By nesting actions, you can:

1) Maintain the modularity of your test.
2) Run one or more actions based on the results of a conditional statement.

Q. 85: Splitting Actions option is not available under what circumstances in QTP?=============================================

You cannot split an action, and the option is disabled when:
1) An external action is selected
2) The first step of an action is selected
3) You are working with a read-only test
4) Recording a test
5) Running a test

Q. 86: What is the use of Action Parameters in QTP?=========================================

Action parameters enable you to transfer input values from your test to a top-level action, from a parent action to a nested action, or from an action to a sibling action that occurs later in the test.

You can use action parameters in any step in your action including function calls.

Q. 87: What are the various types of Exit Action Statements in QTP?===================================================

There are four types of exit action statements you can use:
1) ExitAction: Exits the current action, regardless of its iteration attributes.
2) ExitActionIteration: Exits the current iteration of the action.
3) ExitRun: Exits the test, regardless of its iteration attributes.
4) ExitGlobalIteration: Exits the current global iteration.

Q. 88: What is the use of check points in QTP?=====================================

A checkpoint is a verification point that compares a current value for a specified property with the expected value for that property. This enables you to identify whether your application is functioning correctly.

When you run the test, QTP compares the expected results of the checkpoint to the current results. If the results do not match, the checkpoint fails. You can view the results of the checkpoint in the Test Results window.

Q. 89: What are the situations best suited for using an existing Check Point?==================================================

1) If each page of your application contains your organization’s logo, you can reuse a bitmap checkpoint to verify each occurrence in the application.

2) If your application contains multiple edit boxes, you can reuse a checkpoint to confirm the enabled status of these edit boxes throughout your test.

Q. 90: What is the reason that "Add Existing Checkpoint" dialog box is not visible?===================================================

"Add Existing Checkpoint" dialog box option is available only if at least one of the object repositories associated with the current action (including the local object repository) contains at least one checkpoint.

Keyword: QTP Interview Questions, FAQ QTP

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